
A migration task is represented by an EtlTask object constructed with a configuration array, which itself contains arrays of configuration for its various components (extractors, transformers, loaders, key maps). For many migration applications, existing components will be sufficient for your migration needs and all you will need to do is setup the configuration.

Here is example configuration for a migration task, represented in YAML:

# Name of the task, used to reference it in commands.
    # Concrete Task class to instantiate and invoke.
    class: Soong\Task\EtlTask
    # Configuration passed to the Task class at creation time.
        # The KeyMap component stores the mappings from source record keys to
        # result record keys.
            class: Soong\KeyMap\DBAL
            # Configuration for this KeyMap class - since we're using a SQL-based
            # KeyMap, this contains DB connection into and a table name to use.
                    # Replace with your test database credentials.
                    dbname: etltemp
                    user: root
                    port: 3306
                    driver: pdo_mysql
                table: map_arraytosql
        # The Extractor which will provide the data.
            # The specific Extractor we use accepts the source data as a keyed
            # array within its configuration.
            class: Soong\Extractor\ArrayExtractor
                # Within the source data, the unique key is named "id" and is an integer.
                # The KeyMap uses this information to create a map table and populate it.
                        type: integer
                # The data we're importing - an array of keyed arrays. The keys of
                # each record array are the source property names.
                        id: 1
                        sourcefoo: first record
                        bar: description of first record
                        num: 1
                        id: 5
                        sourcefoo: second record
                        bar: description of second record
                        num: 2
                        related: 0
                        id: 8
                        sourcefoo: third record
                        bar: description of third record
                        num: 38
                        related: 1
                        id: 12
                        sourcefoo: bogus
                        bar: we should skip this
                        num: -5
                # Filters can be used to narrow down the raw data. In this example, we
                # use a Select filter to skip bogus records.
                        class: Soong\Filter\Select
                                    - sourcefoo
                                    - <>
                                    - bogus
        # The transformation stage passes each extracted Record through a series
        # of record transformers to build a result Record to pass to the Loader.
                # The Copy record transformer copies properties as-is from the
                # extracted Record to the result record. With no configuration,
                # it copies all properties.
                class: Soong\Transformer\Record\Copy
                    # Use the include option to copy specific properties.
                        - bar
                        - num
                    # Use the exclude option to copy all properties except those
                    # specified.
                    # This 'exclude' definition has exactly the same effect as
                    # the above 'include':
#                    exclude:
#                        - id
#                        - sourcefoo
#                        - related
                # This is the most important record transformer - it populates
                # each of the result properties (the keys in the property_map).
                class: Soong\Transformer\Record\PropertyMapper
                        # The canonical form for a property mapping is for each
                        # result property name to contain an array of property
                        # transformer definitions, each specifying at least the
                        # property transformer class, and usually the name of a
                        # source property to pass to the transformer.
                                # This transformer simply returns its source
                                # value as-is. Think of it as being equivalent
                                # to the PHP statement
                                # $result['foo'] = $source['sourcefoo'];
                                class: Soong\Transformer\Property\Copy
                                source_property: sourcefoo
                        # The Copy transformer is so common, it's the default
                        # when we simply map a result property from a source
                        # property. In this case, we don't actually need to map
                        # these properties here because the Copy record
                        # transformer above has already done it.
#                        bar: bar
#                        num: num
                        # The related property is the ID of a related record in
                        # the same data set. The IDs are changing in this
                        # migration, so to maintain the relationship we need to
                        # rewrite ID references.
                                # The KeyMapLookup transformer accepts a key value from the source
                                # data, looks that up in the specified KeyMap to see what the ID of
                                # the corresponding destination data record is, and returns that ID.
                                # Note: This works for our dataset where the related values only reference
                                # already-migrated keys - handling chicken-and-egg problems is not yet
                                # implemented.
                                class: Soong\Transformer\Property\KeyMapLookup
                                source_property: related
                                        task_id: arraytosql
        # The DBAL Loader class loads the resulting data records into a DB table.
            class: Soong\Loader\DBAL
                    # Replace with your test database credentials.
                    dbname: etltemp
                    user: root
                    port: 3306
                    driver: pdo_mysql
                # Name of the table to populate.
                table: extractsource
                # The destination table's primary key column is "uniqueid". In
                # our scenario, it's an auto-increment column - the task will
                # retrieve the newly-created key to stored in the KeyMap.
                        type: integer

The soong/soong repo contains working examples - please see the README for details on running them.